
Arnès encoixinat a la dreta de Coastal Pet Walk - Negre (gran [talla de circumferència 26 "-38")

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The Walk Right Padded Harness for Dogs creates an enjoyable, controlled walking experience for you and your dog. This padded harness is comfortable on your dog and eliminates chafing, choking and pulling!

  • Padded harness that attaches to the chest instead of the neck
  • Soft, comfortable chest pad
  • Prevents pulling so you can enjoy walking your dog

Instead of attaching to the neck like other harnesses, the leash attaches right to the chest to prevent the dog from pulling and yanking. Harnesses provide safe, simple restraint for dogs who tend to tug hard on the leash or who cannot be controlled during walks. Perfect for energetic breeds of all sizes.

Sizing: Measure the girth (circumference) of your dogs chest at its widest point.

Tenim milers de productes disponibles que encara no figuren en aquest lloc. Si no trobeu el que busqueu, truqueu-nos al +1 (360) 876-6263 i deixeu-nos que ho busquem.


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EAN: 076484616808 SKU: COAS61680 categories: , marca: