COMANDA ESPECIAL: Permeteu d'una a sis setmanes per a l'enviament a causa dels requisits de comanda mínima del proveïdor.

Ordre especial

Bàlsam calmant per a les potes de Dogphora (2 oz)

$26.99 més impostos - o subscriu-te i estalvia fins a 10%

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Si us plau, registrar per rebre 100 Programa de recompenses de viatger freqüent punts (per valor de 5 dòlars en descomptes): només la primera de MOLTES maneres de fer-ho estalvia molt sobre totes les necessitats de la teva mascota a!

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EXPERIÈNCIA SIN PUBLICITAT!  Només per a clients registrats.

Discover an all-natural paw balm that instantly transforms dry, rough, cracked, peeling, and unhealthy paws by nourishing, healing, and protecting them from harsh winter and summer conditions. formulated with a luxurious blend of ultra-moisturizing botanicals including Aloe Vera, Shea butter, colloidal Oatmeal, Jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, coconut oil, beeswax, and avocado oil to deliver instant and long-lasting hydration for smooth and healthy paws. Nothing does more to get and keep soft, healthy paws. 100% natural and safe for dogs that lick their paws. Will not stain carpets, furniture, or floors. Easy to apply.

  • Heals and restores dry, cracked pads
  • Quickly hydrates and soothes
  • Protects paws from sand, hot pavement, ice and salt
  • Perfect for mushing, hunting, walking or before an outdoor activity
  • Ingredients 100% naturals i segurs

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EAN: 857826003834 SKU: DGPH00383 Localització: marca: