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Greenies Pill Pockets Treats Cheese Flavor Tablet Size 3.2oz.

$11.49 més impostos - o subscriu-te i estalvia fins a 10%

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Dogs are smart when it comes to taking medicine. Good thing you’re smarter. GREENIES Pill Pockets Treats for Dogs make it easy to give your dog pills, with a tasty cheese flavor they?re sure to love. Why hide your pet?s medicine in human foods like peanut butter or cheese when you can give them an all-natural, healthy dog treat instead? Designed by veterinarians, GREENIES Pill Pockets Dog Treats mask the smell and taste of any medicine, taking the stress (and mess) out of giving your canine companion a pill. Whether for large breed or small dogs, these smaller-sized Pill Pockets for tablets make taking medicine a positive experience for your dog. And they?re easy to give: Simply drop a tablet into the Pill Pockets pouch, pinch the top half closed, give it to your pup, and poof: Watch their medicine disappear. GREENIES Pill Pockets are the ingenious way to give your dog their meds?and they?ll never know the difference.  
* Data on file at Mars Petcare US, Inc. 2017

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