
Entrenador remot per a gossos DT Systems H2O 1 milla amb beeper negre

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This fully waterproof unit covers both basic and advanced training needs for both professionals and novice users alike. Whether you are knee-deep in cold icy waters or knee-deep in tall grass on a dry sunny day, the H2O PLUS is designed with the harshest environments in mind. D.T. Systems’ Beeper/Locator is controlled from the handheld transmitter and is audible from up to 450 yards away.

There are 3 functions: Locate, Run and Point mode, and Point Only mode. The Locate button will make the collar unit beep any time it is pressed to help you locate your dog. The Run and Point mode will make the collar beep one way while your dog is on the move and another way when he stops to point. The Point Only mode will make the collar beep only when your dog has stopped to point.


  • H2O 1850 PLUS has a Beeper/Locator and is expandable to 2 collars
  • Interval de 1800 iardes (1 milles).
  • FLOATING Transmitter with No-Slip/Soft-Grip rubber coating
  • Maxx-Range internal collar antenna system
  • Gentle touch system extra mild stimulation

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EAN: 712548324035 SKU: DTSY32403 categories: , marca: