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Protector d'espatlles d'entrenament de lloros

$24.99 més impostos - o subscriu-te i estalvia fins a 10%

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  • Thicken cloth to prevent the penetration of parrot feces, also can be useful to prevent the parrot scratch.
  • When the parrot stands on the shoulder, it can prevent interaction with the parrot feces on the clothes, can also effectively prevent the parrot bite bad clothes.
  • Daily color cloth, wearing a cape with a parrot out will not be eye-catching, go out is very convenient.
  • The cape has loops on both sides and can be hung with anklets or toys.
  • Designed for veterinarians, animal control staff, kennel workers, zoo workers, pet shop employees, pet owners, bird handlers and so on. It is not only a arm protective sleeve, but also a handling diaper.

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