
ZuPreem AvianBreeder Cockatiels Fruitblend Sabor (40 lliures)

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Indulge your feathered friends with the nutritionally balanced and flavorful ZuPreem AvianBreeder Cockatiels Fruitblend Flavor, specifically crafted to cater to the unique dietary needs of breeding cockatiels. This 40lb pack of avian excellence is more than just a bird food; it’s a commitment to the health and happiness of your cherished pets.

**Característiques clau:**

1. **Nutrient-Rich Formula:** Specially formulated with essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to meet the high nutritional demands of breeding and raising cockatiels.

2. **Fruitblend Flavor:** A medley of fruit flavors, including banana, orange, apple, and grape, to ensure a tasty, irresistible meal that your cockatiels will love.

3. **High-Quality Ingredients:** Made with fresh ground fruit for a wholesome, natural taste and the finest quality ingredients to ensure optimal health and nutrition.

4. **Pellet Advantage:** The pelletized form promotes better digestion and prevents selective feeding, ensuring your cockatiels receive the full range of nutrients in every bite.

5. **Supports Breeding:** Enhanced with essential nutrients to support the health of breeding birds, promoting vibrant plumage, robust health, and a long, happy life.

6. **Easy to Feed:** Comes in a convenient, resealable bag, ensuring freshness and easy storage. The pellets are sized perfectly for cockatiels, making feeding time effortless and enjoyable.

Whether you’re a professional breeder or a passionate pet owner, ZuPreem AvianBreeder Cockatiels Fruitblend Flavor is the ultimate choice for ensuring the health and vitality of your feathered companions. Invest in your birds’ well-being and watch them thrive with ZuPreem’s commitment to premium avian nutrition.

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EAN: 762177776002 SKU: ZUPR77600 categories: , , , , , marca: