
Sentry Fiproguard Plus für Katzen und Kätzchen (3 Anwendungen – [Katzen über 1.5 Pfund])

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Sentry Fiproguard Plus Flea and Tick Control for Cats combines fipronil (the main ingredient in Frontline) and (S)-methoprene to eliminate pests and break the infestation cycle. Its fast-acting, long-lasting formula kills fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae, ticks and chewing lice on contact.

  • Kills and protects against fleas, ticks and lice
  • Breaks the flea life cycle and prevents reinfestation
  • Fast-acting, long-lasting and waterproof formula
  • For use on cats & kittens over 1.5 lbs & 8 weeks of age

Safe for use on breeding, pregnant and lactating cats. Fiproguard Plus is waterproof and stays effective even after bathing and exposure to sunlight. Use only on cats and kittens over 8 weeks of age.

Directions: Separate one tube from the others. Hold the tube with notched end pointing up and away from the face and body. Use scissors to cut off the narrow end at the notches along the line. Invert tube over cat and use open end to part cats hair. Squeeze tube firmly and apply all of the solution to the cats skin between the shoulder blades. Apply monthly if your cat is at high risk for flea reinfestation.

Aktive Inhaltsstoffe:
Fipronil: 9.8%
(S)-methoprene: 11.8%

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