
Destructor de orina para perros Nature's Miracle, 128 oz

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Natures Miracle Urine Destroyer is an advanced stain and residue destroying solution that will work fast to remove stickiness and urine from inside your home when your pet has an accident.

  • Advanced, penetrating stain and residue eliminator
  • Begins to destroy tough-to-get-out odors on contact
  • Removes yellow stains and stickiness caused by bacteria
  • Note: 1.33 gallon size includes AccuShot Power Sprayer

This advanced forumla is perfect for use on urine and spraying. By using a targeted bio-enzymatic formula, Urine Destroyer eliminates strong pet urine odors, yellow stains and sticky residue. It uses only natural enzymes and is safe for your pets, family and home. Use on carpets, floors, furniture, clothing and more.

Hecho en los EE.UU..

Stain Removal: Wipe away any excess stain-causing material, then soak the surface thoroughly with Natures Miracle Urine Destroyer. Wait 5 minutes, then wipe away stain with a cloth. For tough stains, use a stiff, bristle brush. If the stain is not completely removed, re-soak area and allow Natures Miracle Urine Destroyer Remover to work for 1 hour before wiping with a cloth.

Odor Elimination: Thoroughly soak the entire area with Natures Miracle Urine Destroyer. For carpets, apply enough to reach the urine penetration in the pad and floor. This may mean lifting the carpet and applying directly to the pad and floor.Allow the product to air dry. Depending on air circulation, carpets and upholstery may take up to 2 weeks to dry completely. If after 2 weeks there is still an odor, Natures Miracle Urine Destroyer has not reached ALL of the odor-causing material. Pinpoint odor source and repeat cleaning process. Keep the product away from children and pets and do not allow pets onto the treated area until it is completely dried.

Laundry: Saturate areas of fabric affected by stain and odor with full-strength product, then wash as usual.

Ingredients: Water, Bio-enzymatic Odor-Lock, Oxygen Boosters, Isopropyl Alcohol, Fragrance.

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EAN: 018065981486 Referencia: NATM98148 Categoría Marca: