
Booster Bath Escalóns de baño e estilo de vida (gris | 19 x 6 x 34 polgadas)

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The Booster Bath Steps are a great way to help your best friend up and into the Booster Bath elevated bathing system. They are versatile enough to also work for truck beds, suvs, cars and up on to furnitute like beds and couches. At only 4.5 lbs they are easy to transport and setup. The steps can easily support dogs up to 150 lbs. The no-slip rubberized step mats ensure stable footing for your dog. Each foot and arm has a rubber bumper to ensure the Booster Bath Steps stay connected and stable at all times.


  • Lightweight and portable (4.5 lbs), yet will support up to 150 lbs.
  • Made from 0.25 inch thick UV stabilized virgin polyethylene for long life and durability.
  • Like the Booster Bath, the Booster Step’s cushioned mat is 3/8 of an inch thick and is strong and durable.
  • The patented Booster Step is the most compact, functional and affordable plastic Step available in the market today!

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Desconto a granel 6 - 10 5%
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Desconto a granel 16 - 20 15%
Desconto a granel 21 + 20%
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EAN: 817912000031 SKU: BBTH00003 categoría: Marca: