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Limpeza de oídos Nutri-Vet para cans (8 oz)

$12.79 máis impostos - ou subscríbete e aforra ata 10%

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Nutri-Vet Ear Cleanse for Dogs is a veterinarian-formulated ear wash that keeps ears clean and free of infection. Built-up ear wax and other substances can cause uncomfortable itching that your dog can’t get to, leading to unhealthy ears and infection.

  • Keeps ears clean, healthy and free of infection
  • Alleviates uncomfortable itching for your dog
  • Safely removes dirt and dissolves wax

Nutri-Vet Ear Cleanse is scientifically developed to safely clean your dogs ears. The combination of safe ingredients effectively remove ear wax, dirt and other debris, and leave your dogs ears clean, healthy, and functioning at their best.


  • Aloe, the extract of the plant Aloe barbadensis, contains enzymes, proteins and growth factors that work together to reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Benzyl alcohol inhibits growth and reproduction of bacteria without killing them and inhibits itching associated with allergic reactions, eczema, fungal infections insect bites, fleas and contact dermatitis.
  • Salicylic acid causes the outer layers of the skin in the ear canal to shed more readily, allowing room for new cell growth.
  • Lactic acid helps eliminate germs, toxins and dead cells within the canal.

Ingredients: De-ionzed Water U.S.P., Propylene Glycol, Aloe Vera Gel, SD Alcohol, Lactic Acid, Glycerin, Dioctyl, Sodium Sulfosuccinate, Salicylic Acid, Fragrance, Benzoic Acid, Benzyl Alcohol.

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EAN: 669125026519 SKU: NVET02651 categoría: Marca: