
Aquarium Solutions Metro+ (2.2 libras - [Trata 1,000 galóns])

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Aquarium Solutions Metro Plus by Hikari is a multi-purpose disease treatment for aquarium and pond fishes. This broad spectrum health aid effectively treats hole-in-the-head and lateral line diseases and contains a slime-coat replacer to speed up recovery.

  • Multi-purpose health aid for aquarium and pond fishes
  • Treats hole-in-the-head and lateral line disease
  • Contains slime-coat replacer to speed recovery

Metro+ is a powdered formula that uses a powerful, proven ingredient to systematically target infected areas for rapid healing. It is extremely safe and may be used as a bath or given with food.

As a Bath: As a bath treatment for external microbial diseases of marine and freshwater aquarium and pond fishes (e.g. hole-in-the-head and lateral line), use 1 capful (~9.7g) per 10 gallons of water. A partial or complete water change should be made just prior to beginning treatment and every 24 hours thereafter, followed by re-treatment. Any water used should first be conditioned with ULTIMATE or a combination of Liquid Buffered ClorAm-X and Stress-X to remove ammonia, chlorine and chloramines. Repeat the treatment every 24 hours for 5 to 7 days or until mortalities cease or healing of leasions occurs. If improvement is not noted within 3 days, discontinue treatment and consider other therapy.

Oral Treatment: For systemic (internal) infections, Metro+ can be fed mixed with fish food.

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EAN: 042055735117 SKU: HKRI73511 categorías: , Marca: