
Microbe-Lift Lice & Anchor Worm (4 oz [Trata ata 480 galóns])

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Microbe-Lift Lice and Anchor Worm is for the treatment of conditions caused by Fish Lice (Argulus) and Anchor Worms (Lerea). This treatment is safe for all ornamental aquarium fish, reptiles, amphibians and mollusks, including freshwater and marine pets.

  • Treats conditions caused by Fish Lice and Anchor Worm
  • For use with all ornamental aquarium fish
  • Safe for salt or freshwater use

The active ingredient is cyromazine, an insect growth regulator, which inhibits the growth of larva and juvenile parasites. This interrupts the parasite life cycle and provides long term treatment. Use with Microbe-Lift Restore for an even more effective treatment. Will not harm biological filtration or scaleless fish.

Directions: Shake well before use. Add 1 tsp. (5 ml) per 20 gallons (76 L). Prior to the initial use of Lice and Anchor Worm, a partial water change of 20% is recommended. For best results three treatments, one week apart, should be performed with water changes prior to each retreatment.


  • Must NOT be used where crayfish and other crustaceans are being cultured.
  • Mantéñase fóra do alcance dos nenos.
  • Not for use with fish or aquatic invertebrates intended for human consumption.

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EAN: 097121208651 SKU: MLFT20865 categorías: , Marca: