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Outward Hound Nina Ottosson Dog Smart Puzzle Game Large Orange 11″ x 11″ x 1.8″

$15.99 máis impostos - ou subscríbete e aforra ata 10%

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Nina Ottosson Dog Smart Toy
TRAINING WITH TREATS: The Nina Ottosson Dog Smart is an entry level dog game that challenges your dog to discover treats through problem solving and exciting hidden rewards! MIXING IT UP: The bones in this dog puzzle can be arranged to be flush with the board or elevated for different levels of challenges. When the bones (puzzle pieces) on the Dog Smart are flush with the board, your dog will learn to paw and nuzzle at the pieces differently than when the bones are elevated and more easily removeable. HOLDS FOOD: The Dog Smart is great for treating and feeding your dog because it holds wet or dry kibble! LEVEL 1 CHALLENGE: Great for introducing your dog to treat training games, this Level 1 dog game gets your dog interested in games and prepares your pup for more exciting and challenging puzzles to come. HOW TO PLAY: Place treats or kibble in compartments of base. Cover treat compartments with bones. The more compartments that are covered, the harder the game will be. Let the games begin! Show your dog where the treats are and watch them find the tasty reward! Dogs are smarter than you think. Sometimes we just need to teach them! Leave some compartments uncovered for your dog to gain interest. PLAY TOGETHER: Nina Ottosson Dog Puzzle Games focus on challenging your dog???s brain. Supervise when playing, and don???t let the dog chew on the toy. Teach your dog how to use the puzzle, play and have fun together. Put away until next time. EXERCISE FOR MIND AND BODY: Dog games and dog puzzles by Nina Ottosson challenge your dog???s problem solving skills while enhancing your dog???s mental stimulation through fun and play. EASY TO CLEAN: To wash your dog???s Dog Smart, simply remove all treats/kibble and hand wash with warm soapy water, rinse clean and dry. Fill again for more fun!

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