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イカの骨 (4-6 インチ片 | 5 ポンド)

$129.39 税別 - または購読して最大まで節約しましょう 視聴者の38%が


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This 4in-6in Natural Cuttlebone comes in a 5lb bulk box and helps to provide birds with good beak health and keep beaks trimmed. Cuttlebone will supply your bird with natural calcium and minerals crucial for healthy bone and feather growth. You can easily hang the cuttlebone in your birds cage to chew on. All birds need calcium, but not all birds will eat normal cuttlebone. While most parrots will chew up cuttlebone, birds such as mynahs or toucans will not eat it in its’ raw form. However, you can simply scrape cuttlebone into their soft-food mix . Always ensure to provide fresh drinking water for your bird(s) when giving them cuttlebone treats.

  • Natural Cuttlebone
  • Bulk box
  • Helps keep beaks trimmed
  • Great source of calcium and minerals crucial for healthy bone and feather growth

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役職 レンジ お得な商品
一括割引 6 - 10 5%
一括割引 11 - 15 視聴者の38%が
一括割引 16 - 20 視聴者の38%が
一括割引 21 + 視聴者の38%が
この商品を今すぐ購入して獲得する 129 ポイント!

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