P-Pole 犬尿サンプル採取キット

$15.99 税別 - または購読して最大まで節約しましょう 視聴者の38%が


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Each kit includes a pole (which can easily be assembled by screwing the ring into the telescopic pole), disposable collection cups with lids, pipettes and vials. Our twist on the industry standard – the “free catch” model – makes urine collection stress-free. Dog owners can then easily transport the sample to their veterinarian for further analysis. Conversely for monitoring a specific condition, the P-Pole can be used with our CheckUp diagnostic strips for at-home wellness testing. Include: a pole (which can easily be assembled by screwing the ring into the telescopic pole), 3 x disposable collection cups with lids, pipettes and vials.


  • Ideal for aging and overweight dogs
  • 60秒のテスト
  • 簡単に使える
  • 獣医師が承認

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役職 レンジ お得な商品
一括割引 6 - 10 5%
一括割引 11 - 15 視聴者の38%が
一括割引 16 - 20 視聴者の38%が
一括割引 21 + 視聴者の38%が
この商品を今すぐ購入して獲得する 16 ポイント!

EAN: 850873003222 SKU: CLNG00322 カテゴリー: メーカー: