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TropiClean Luxury 2-in-1 Papaya and Coconut Pet Shampoo & Conditioner 20oz

$15.99 税別 - または購読して最大まで節約しましょう 視聴者の38%が


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TropiClean Luxury 2-in-1 Papaya and Coconut Pet Shampoo & Conditioner 20oz
Our Papaya & Coconut Shampoo and Conditioner is made with papaya, coconut, and other tropical ingredients to pamper your pet in a rich, luxurious lather. Our mild coconut cleanser is one-of-a-kind, just like your pet. Coconut gently cleanses fur of dirt and oils from playtime and head pats, while papaya and kiwi replenish the natural moisture balance of the skin and coat. Rich botanical conditioners result in a healthy sheen, while preventing dry skin and tangled fur. With routine bathing, this luxury 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner will keep your pet’s skin and coat stay soft, shiny, and looking great.

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