Loving Pets Stainless Steel & Merlot Dish with Rubber Base (Large – 8.5″ Diameter)

$17.39 税別 - または購読して最大まで節約しましょう 視聴者の38%が


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Loving Pets’ Merlot Stainless Steel Dish With Rubber Base is a functional and beautiful bowl that gives you the veterinarian recommended bacteria resistant stainless steel combined with the beauty only plastic can bring out in a pet dish.

  • Bacteria resistant stainless steel
  • Rubber base prevents slipping and spillage
  • 食器洗い機

The Merlot Stainless Steel Dish With Rubber Base is a revolutionary dish that contains a rubber ring at the base to keep it from slipping to prevent spills and noise. The ring is removable so it can be put in the dish washer when it comes time to clean it. Add a designer dish to complete the style of you and your pet!

Small is 5.5″ diameter x 1.5″ tall
Medium is 6.75″ diameter x 1.75″ tall
Large 8.5″ diameter x 2″ tall

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一括割引 6 - 10 5%
一括割引 11 - 15 視聴者の38%が
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EAN: 842982074149 SKU: LOVP07414 カテゴリー: メーカー: