K&H ペットプロダクツ ダック給水器 2.5 ガロン 加熱式 レッド 17インチ x 17インチ x 16インチ

$89.79 税別 - または購読して最大まで節約しましょう 視聴者の38%が


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The K&H Duck Waterer was designed from the ground up to help you keep your pens cleaner, drier and safer. It’s uniquely designed reservoir tank discourages chickens from perching, and has an easy fill cap. The water cups are specifically shaped for beaks and bills and contain separate filters. The heated model ensures your ducks and other poultry have access to clean drinking water even on the coldest days. The K&H Duck Waterer is MET listed.


  • BPAフリー
  • Shape discourages roosting
  • 錆びたり破損したりする金属部品がありません
  • Filtered water cups help keep water clean
  • 2.5 gallon reservoir with easy carry handle and no-spill cap
  • Heated model is thermostatically controlled and uses only 60 watts
  • Heated version has sealed bottom

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役職 レンジ お得な商品
一括割引 6 - 10 5%
一括割引 11 - 15 視聴者の38%が
一括割引 16 - 20 視聴者の38%が
一括割引 21 + 視聴者の38%が
この商品を今すぐ購入して獲得する 90 ポイント!

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