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Disponibbli għall-Adozzjoni: Archie the Green Cheek Conure

Say hello to “Archie”, the newest addition to our flock at Port Orchard Parrot Rescue and Sanctuary.  Archie is a 5 year old Pineapple Green Cheek Conure, and is presumed to be male (though no DNA test has been performed).  Archie’s former owner says that Archie is not particularly well suited to a home with children but is affectionate once he’s out of his cage.  He likes to play “peek-a-boo” and will “relieve himself” on command outside (but not inside) his cage.  He can be a bit nippy and does not like to be bothered inside his cage – both of which can be managed by a future owner with love and patience.

If you would be interested in adopting Archie, please come by the store to meet him.  As always, Archie will be the one to decide who adopts him.  We anticipate that Archie will be available to take home approximately one month from now so you will have several opportunities to meet and get to know him before then.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

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