Aċċessorji tal-akkwarju

Hydor ETH Esterni Termali Heater (Fil-Linja) (ETH 300 – 300 Watts [5/8″ Dijametru Intern għal Tankijiet 53-80 Gallon])

$76.99 flimkien mat-taxxa - jew abbona u tiffranka sa 10%

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ESPERJENZA MILL-REKLIŻI!  Għall-klijenti illoggjati biss.

Hydor ETH External Thermal Heater In-Line Aquarium Heater suitable for all canister filters with 5/8″ flexible hosing. No danger of damage if unit is run dry for short period as the ETH will switch itself off before overheating.

  • Hydor ETH – External Thermal Heater fits in line with your filter tubing
  • Reliable, Simple to Use, Extremely Accurate
  • Suitable for Freshwater and Saltwater aquariums

Ideal for tropical fish breeding situations. Temperature control is adjustable between 66-90 deg F. Includes 2 Year Warranty from date of purchase.

Heats with high efficiency and designed to avoid temperature variations caused by poor water circulation. The ETH external In-Line heater uses the advanced PTC system, which is a special polymer sheet, silk-screened with heating ink (like your cars windshield defroster) instead of metal coils.

This state-of-the-art system allows the unit to be left running without water for a short time with no damage. For indoor, in-line use only, the ETH external heater has an adjustable heating control, and a hanging hook for easy placement outside your aquarium. Requires tubing.

300 Watt
5/8″ ID
53-80 Gallon Tanks

Għandna eluf ta' prodotti disponibbli li għadhom mhumiex elenkati fuq dan is-sit. Jekk ma ssibx dak li qed tfittex, ċemplilna fuq +1 (360) 876-6263 u ejjew infittxu għalik.


Qabbel u Ħlief!

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Titolu Medda Discount
Skont bl-ingrossa 6 - 10 5%
Skont bl-ingrossa 11 - 15 10%
Skont bl-ingrossa 16 - 20 15%
Skont bl-ingrossa 21 + 20%
Skontijiet bl-ingrossa Disponibbli
Ixtri dan il-prodott issa u aqla 77 Punti!

EAN: 841421000190 SKU: HYDR00019 kategoriji: , , Brand: