INFORMAZZJONI TAT-TĦASSIR: Il-fornitur tagħna ma pprovdiex piż u dimensjonijiet eżatti tat-tbaħħir għal dan il-prodott. Filwaqt li aħna ma nantiċipaw l-ebda żieda fl-ispejjeż tat-tbaħħir, jista 'jkollna bżonn nivvotulak separatament jekk tali żieda sseħħ. Niskużaw ruħna bil-quddiem għal kwalunkwe inkonvenjent.


Lafeber Company Premium Kuljum Dieta Pellet Għall Parakeet 5 Lb

$42.99 flimkien mat-taxxa - jew abbona u tiffranka sa 10%

M'intix Dħalt!

Jekk jogħġbok reġistru biex tirċievi 100 Programm ta’ Premjijiet għal Flyer Frekwenti punti (li jiswew $5 fi skontijiet) – biss l-ewwel minn ĦAFNA modi kif tista’ ħlief kbir fuq il-bżonnijiet kollha tal-pet tiegħek fuq!

Jekk int diġà rreġistrat, jekk jogħġbok login biex tuża l-Frequent Flyer Rewards tiegħek

ESPERJENZA MILL-REKLIŻI!  Għall-klijenti illoggjati biss.

Lafeber Premium Diet Parakeet Pellets Parakeet 5lb
Good health and a long life begin with proper nutrition and Lafeber’s Premium Daily Diet is formulated to provide exactly that. Each pellet contains all the nutrients your bird needs for a full, energetic and healthy life. We blend natural ingredients like ground corn, soybean meal, rolled oats, and whole egg. Our pellets are naturally flavored with molasses for the energy birds need and a taste birds enjoy.At Lafeber Company we balance the omega 3 & 6 fatty acids which help to strengthening the immune system. We also use chelated minerals for better absorption, stabilized vitamins for better longevity, and we naturally preserve and flavor our foods. Plus, we only use human grade fruits and vegetables in our products which means you can rest assured your bird is getting the best possible diet. Lafeber Company is one of the few food companies that produce all of their own food. All Lafeber products are proudly manufactured on Dr. Lafeber’s great grandfather’s farm in Cornell, Illinois. To help insure our foods are fully nutritional and our high quality standards are met, an independent lab tests all of our recipes. By carefully watching our food production from beginning to end, we are able to produce the highest quality pet bird food available. Every diet that comes from Lafeber Company is Veterinarian recommended and designed to keep your feathered friend a part of your family for years to come.

Għandna eluf ta' prodotti disponibbli li għadhom mhumiex elenkati fuq dan is-sit. Jekk ma ssibx dak li qed tfittex, ċemplilna fuq +1 (360) 876-6263 u ejjew infittxu għalik.


Qabbel u Ħlief!

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Titolu Medda Discount
Skont bl-ingrossa 6 - 10 5%
Skont bl-ingrossa 11 - 15 10%
Skont bl-ingrossa 16 - 20 15%
Skont bl-ingrossa 21 + 20%
Skontijiet bl-ingrossa Disponibbli
Ixtri dan il-prodott issa u aqla 43 Punti!

EAN: 041054815325 SKU: LFBR81532 kategoriji: , , , Brand: