
Lixit Blue Cloud Dust for Chinchillas (3 lbs)

$23.89 flimkien mat-taxxa - jew abbona u tiffranka sa 10%

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ESPERJENZA MILL-REKLIŻI!  Għall-klijenti illoggjati biss.

Lixit Blue Beauty Dust is a very fine, natural powder with no glass or sand content. It makes an ideal medium to provide a safe, clean, healthy dust bath for your small pet. Just place it in a dry bath and watch it your chinchilla play and frolic!

  • Safe, all natural dry bath dust for small pets
  • Great for chinchillas, gerbils, degus and hamsters
  • Free scoop included

This completely natural, sustainably mined bath dust features is safely process with no chemicals added. This natural volcanic powder coats each hair and removes moisture, oils, and odors from your pets fur, helping to maintain a soft and healthy coat. Dust baths encourage instinctual, healthy, and highly entertaining grooming behavior in chinchillas. Regular access to bath dust is important for facilitating the natural instincts of chinchillas and promoting overall health.

Magħmul fil-USA.

Directions: Place 5 scoops of dust into your pets dry bath. Place filled bath in pets habitat, and watch as your pet rolls and plays in the dust to clean its fur. After approximately 15 minutes, remove the bath from the habitat to prevent your pet from soiling it. Give your pet daily bath time. Discard dust once it has become soiled, every 1-2 weeks.

Ingredient: Volcanic Ash.

Għandna eluf ta' prodotti disponibbli li għadhom mhumiex elenkati fuq dan is-sit. Jekk ma ssibx dak li qed tfittex, ċemplilna fuq +1 (360) 876-6263 u ejjew infittxu għalik.


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EAN: 076711006051 SKU: LXIT00605 kategoriji: , Brand: