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Akcesoria siedliskowe

Podłoże Zoo Med ReptiSand – Desert White (3 worki 10 funtów [łącznie 30 funtów])

$46.19 plus podatek - lub subskrybuj i oszczędzaj do 10%

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Zoo Med Desert White ReptiSand is a natural, beautiful terrarium bedding that meets the needs of a wide variety of desert-dwelling reptiles, amphibians and arachnids. The brilliant white color of this pure, fine quartz sand is completely natural, with no additives.

  • Pure, finely ground quartz desert sand
  • Stimulates natural digging and burrowing behavior
  • All natural sand with no added colors

When in your pets habitat, ReptiSand simulates the native environment and encourages digging, burrowing, and other natural behaviors for your pets health and your enjoyment.

An excellent heat conductor for your pets comfort, ReptiSand is an ideal egg-laying medium for many reptiles (mix 50/50 with Zoo Meds Eco Earth). It is long lasting, all natural, and easy to clean. ReptiSand is finely ground to prevent impaction if consumed.

Ideal for: Bearded Dragons, Leopard Geckos, Soft Shell Turtles, Uromastyx Lizards, Sand Boas, Collard Lizards, Tarantulas, Scorpions, and other terrestrial desert reptile species.

Produkt z USA.

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Tytuł łodzie Zniżka
Rabat hurtowy 6 - 10 5%
Rabat hurtowy 11 - 15 10%
Rabat hurtowy 16 - 20 15%
Rabat hurtowy 21 + 20%
Dostępne rabaty hurtowe
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