Aquarium Accessories

Aquaclear Filter Insert Foam

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AquaClear Filter Insert Foam performs mechanical filtration by trapping particles and debris as they pass through the insert. This unique foam, designed for use with AquaClear Power Filters, features optimal pore size for efficient mechanical and biological filtration.

  • Traps particles and debris and enhances biological filtration
  • Tailored fit prevents water bypass for optimal
  • Safe for fresh and saltwater use

Size 20: 5-20 gallon aquariums
Size 30: 10-30 gallon aquariums
Size 50: 20-50 gallon aquariums
Size 70: 40-70 gallon aquariums
Size 110: 60-110 gallon aquariums

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EAN: 015561113922 SKU: AQCL11392 Categories: , , Brand: