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KONG Kickeroo’s long length encourages your cat to kick with hind paws, promoting tons of healthy, full-body activity. Fluffy tail sparks hunting instincts and Kickeroo’s soft material is lovely for snuggling. The crinkling sound keeps kitties interested while the KONG Premium North American Catnip boosts the fun.

  • Long shape promotes full-body wrestling and hind paw kicking
  • Crinkle sound adds excitement that keeps kitties playing
  • KONG Premium North American Catnip inside boosts fun
  • Fluttery tail adds motion, sparking chasing instincts
  • Soft and cuddly for snuggling

Note: Ships in assorted colors

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Bulk Discount 6 - 10 5%
Bulk Discount 11 - 15 10%
Bulk Discount 16 - 20 15%
Bulk Discount 21 + 20%
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EAN: 035585055572 SKU: KONG05557 Categories: , Brand: