
Microbe-Simudza Birdbath Pachena

$10.99 pamwe nemutero - kana kunyorera uye kuchengetedza kusvika 10%

Hauna Kupinda!

Ndapota nyoresa kugamuchira zana Kakawanda Flyer Mibayiro Chirongwa mapoinzi (akakosha madhora mashanu mumitengo) - yekutanga yenzira DZIMWE yaunogona chengetedza hombe pane zvese zvaunoda zvechipfuyo!

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KUSVIRA ZVINOITA!  Kune makasitoma anopinda chete.

Keeps Birdbaths Water Clean & Clear Specially Formulated for Birdbaths Inhabited by Birds, Small Fish, Frogs, etc. Prevents organic and inorganic contaminants from forming (i.e. crusty white scale deposits, iron, copper and hard water stains). Uses two unique proprietary technologies: One system helps to prevent the buildup of stains and mineral deposits on the birdbath or fountain surface. The second system uses bio-enzymatic activity to keep water clear and free from the organic debris that can make the water cloudy.

  • Helps keep birdbath water clear
  • Natural & Safe Biodegradable and Environmentally Friendly. Safe for Humans and Pets!
  • Prevents organic and inorganic contaminants from forming (i.e. crusty white scale deposits, iron, copper and hard water stains).
  • Keeps Birdbaths Water Clean & Clear Specially Formulated for Birdbaths Inhabited by Birds, Small Fish, Frogs, etc.
  • 4 oz. (10BBC4) for 17 treatments.


Tine zviuru zvezvigadzirwa zviripo izvo zvisati zvanyorwa pane ino saiti. Kana usingawane zvauri kutsvaga, tifonere panhamba dzinoti +1 (360) 876-6263 uye ngatikutsvakirei.


Enzanisa uye Chengetedza!

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EAN: 097121200204 SKU: MICR20020 Category: Brand: