
PetArmor Plus Flea uye Chikwekwe Kurapa Imbwa Huru (45-88 Pound) (6 kuverenga)

$41.99 pamwe nemutero - kana kunyorera uye kuchengetedza kusvika 10%

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Ndapota nyoresa kugamuchira zana Kakawanda Flyer Mibayiro Chirongwa mapoinzi (akakosha madhora mashanu mumitengo) - yekutanga yenzira DZIMWE yaunogona chengetedza hombe pane zvese zvaunoda zvechipfuyo!

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KUSVIRA ZVINOITA!  Kune makasitoma anopinda chete.

PetArmor Plus Flea and Tick Treatment for Dogs provides the same #1 veterinarian-recommended active ingredient, fipronil, in the same concentration as FRONTLINE top Spot. You get the same flea and tick protection at a significant savings. Pet armor for dogs acts fast.

It is an effective, long lasting, waterproof, and easy-to-use application for killing fleas, ticks, and chewing lice on dogs and puppies eight weeks and older. Each box conatins three (3) topical application tubes for a 3 month supply of dog flea and tick control. For best results, apply flea & tick treatment for dogs directly to dry skin on your dogs back-between the shoulder blades-on a monthly basis. When used as directed, Pet Armor for dogs stops infestations of fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae, ticks, and chewing lice. It also protects your pet from the mange mites that can cause severe skin allergies like scabies.

Tine zviuru zvezvigadzirwa zviripo izvo zvisati zvanyorwa pane ino saiti. Kana usingawane zvauri kutsvaga, tifonere panhamba dzinoti +1 (360) 876-6263 uye ngatikutsvakirei.


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EAN: 073091027676 SKU: PARM02767 Category: Brand: