RUZIVO RWEKUTENDESEKA: Mutengesi wedu haana kupa huremu chaihwo hwekutumira uye zviyero zvechigadzirwa ichi. Kunyange isu tisingatarisire chero kuwedzera kwemitengo yekutumira, isu tingangoda kukupa invoice iwe takasiyana kana kuwedzera kwakadaro kukaitika. Tinokumbira ruregerero pachine nguva.


Spot Dura-Fused Leather Retriever Stick Imbwa Toy (15″ Yakareba)

$8.99 pamwe nemutero - kana kunyorera uye kuchengetedza kusvika 10%

Hauna Kupinda!

Ndapota nyoresa kugamuchira zana Kakawanda Flyer Mibayiro Chirongwa mapoinzi (akakosha madhora mashanu mumitengo) - yekutanga yenzira DZIMWE yaunogona chengetedza hombe pane zvese zvaunoda zvechipfuyo!

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KUSVIRA ZVINOITA!  Kune makasitoma anopinda chete.

Its time to give your dogs jaws a real challenge! Spots Dura-Fused Leather Retriever Stick is built tough, made with real leather and super strong jute fabric and held together with double-stitched seams for ultimate durability.

  • Made with real leather fused with jute fabric
  • Double stitched seams for added durability
  • Tough rope is perfect for tugging

The authentic leather feel makes this stick perfect for fetching and training. Extra durable leather and jute fabric are fused together for added strength. Double stitched seams with heavy duty thread add extra durability.

Zviyero: 15 ″ kureba

Note: Supervise your pet at all times during play. Do not allow your pet to play with the toy if any part of the toy becomes loose or separated. This toy is intended to be used only with supervision.

Tine zviuru zvezvigadzirwa zviripo izvo zvisati zvanyorwa pane ino saiti. Kana usingawane zvauri kutsvaga, tifonere panhamba dzinoti +1 (360) 876-6263 uye ngatikutsvakirei.


Enzanisa uye Chengetedza!

(malink anovhurwa mune itsva tab kana hwindo)


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EAN: 077234044377 SKU: SPOT04437 Category: Brand: