
Hikari Vibra ngegel Baby Lauk Tropis Dahareun

$7.99 tambah pajeg - atawa ngalanggan jeung simpen nepi ka 10%

Anjeun Henteu Asup!

Punten ngadaptar nampi 100 Program Ganjaran Frequent Flyer titik (hargana $ 5 di diskon) - ngan kahiji tina loba cara anjeun tiasa nyimpen badag dina sagala kaperluan piaraan anjeun di POParrots.com!

Upami anjeun parantos ngadaptar, mangga lebet pikeun ngagunakeun ganjaran Frequent Flyer Anjeun

Pangalaman AD-GRATIS!  Pikeun palanggan log in wungkul.

Another Hikari world first, a blood-worm-like stick that offers outstanding nutrition and color enhancing capacity you have to see to believe. A great addition to any daily feeding plan, this uniquely formulated diet will offer growth and immune system support too!

  • Worm like stick moves through the water like live food would
  • Balanced formulation offers nutrition live worms simply cannot
  • No parasite or bacteria risks
  • Helps bring out the brilliant colors of your fish
  • A completely safe live food alternative

INSTRUCTIONS: Feed two to three times daily the amount your fish will completely consume in a few minutes. Care should be taken to avoid over-feeding and always remove uneaten food after the feeding period to avoid health-impacting water quality issues.

Simkuring gaduh rébuan produk sadia nu teu acan didaptarkeun dina situs ieu. Lamun anjeun teu manggihan naon nu ditéang, nelepon kami di +1 (360) 876-6263 sarta ngantep kami néangan éta pikeun anjeun.


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EAN: 042055222051 SKU: HKRI22205 kategori: , brand: