
Langkung Manuk Kelor Scoop pikeun Manuk Kelor

$7.29 tambah pajeg - atawa ngalanggan jeung simpen nepi ka 10%

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Punten ngadaptar nampi 100 Program Ganjaran Frequent Flyer titik (hargana $ 5 di diskon) - ngan kahiji tina loba cara anjeun tiasa nyimpen badag dina sagala kaperluan piaraan anjeun di!

Upami anjeun parantos ngadaptar, mangga lebet pikeun ngagunakeun ganjaran Frequent Flyer Anjeun

Pangalaman AD-GRATIS!  Pikeun palanggan log in wungkul.

The More Birds Seed Scoop makes refilling your feeders easier than ever! This quick-release seed dispenser is ergonomically designed for easy scooping. When scooping seed, just push in the seed stopper towards the handle to hold in a seed capacity of up to 1.33 lbs. When youre ready to fill your feeder, simply pull the seed stopper away from the handle, and seeds quickly release from the scoop! Its narrow handle seed spout design takes away the hassle from filling tubular bird feeders.

  • Ergonomically designed for easy scooping
  • Narrow handle seed spout design takes away the hassle from filling tubular bird feeders
  • Push in the seed stopper towards the handle to hold seed
  • Pull the seed stopper away from the handle, and seeds quickly release from the scoop!
  • 1.33 lb. seed capacity

Red plastic construction

Simkuring gaduh rébuan produk sadia nu teu acan didaptarkeun dina situs ieu. Lamun anjeun teu manggihan naon nu ditéang, nelepon kami di +1 (360) 876-6263 sarta ngantep kami néangan éta pikeun anjeun.


Bandingkeun jeung Simpen!

(Tumbu muka dina tab atawa jandela anyar)

Aya sasayogian

gelar jajaran potongan harga
Diskon Bulk 6 - 10 5%
Diskon Bulk 11 - 15 10%
Diskon Bulk 16 - 20 15%
Diskon Bulk 21 + 20%
diskon bulk sadia
Mésér produk ieu ayeuna sareng kéngingkeun 7 Punten!

EAN: 617313502000 SKU: MBRD50200 kategori: , brand: