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Asesoris Habitat

Zoo Med ReptiSun 5.0 Bohlam Gantian UVB (17 Watts T8 [24″ Bohlam])

$37.49 tambah pajeg - atawa ngalanggan jeung simpen nepi ka 10%

Anjeun Henteu Asup!

Punten ngadaptar nampi 100 Program Ganjaran Frequent Flyer titik (hargana $ 5 di diskon) - ngan kahiji tina loba cara anjeun tiasa nyimpen badag dina sagala kaperluan piaraan anjeun di!

Upami anjeun parantos ngadaptar, mangga lebet pikeun ngagunakeun ganjaran Frequent Flyer Anjeun

Pangalaman AD-GRATIS!  Pikeun palanggan log in wungkul.

Zoo Med ReptiSun 5.0 UVB Bulbs provide the exact band of rays within the UVB spectrum for maximum vitamin D3 synthesis and calcium absorption. These low heat bulbs also emit UVA, which helps increase your reptiles appetite, activity and breeding.

  • Simulates sunlight for maximum Vitamin D3 synthesis and calcium absorption
  • Helps turtles and tortoises develop strong, healthy shells
  • Increases reptile appetite, activity and breeding

ReptiSun 5.0 UVB Bulbs provide 5% UVB which helps facilitate natural vitamin D3 synthesis, preventing or reversing Metabolic Bone Disease and other potential health issues in turtles, tortoises, bearded dragons, iguanas, and all other diurnal reptiles. They also emit 30% UVA, which stimulates healthy appetites, activity levels, and breeding behaviors. Lamps should be replaced every year for optimal effectiveness. 1-year manufacturer warranty.

Dijieun di Jerman.

Q: Can I use the rheostat/thermostat with a ReptiSun, Avian Sun or Power Sun UV
A: These lamps need specific line voltages; they cannot be used with dimmers/rheostats.
Q: Does this lamp emit UVB
A: Yes! This lamp provides the full visible spectrum as well as UVA and UVB.
Q: Does this lamp provide heat
A: No. This lamp emits UVA and UVB without heat!
Q: How often should this lamp be replaced
A: This lamp will provide optimum levels of UVB for 12 months so it should be replaced once a year.
Q: How far away should this lamp be from my animal
A: This lamp should be placed 12 inches from your animals basking site.
Q: How long should I leave this lamp on each day
A: This lamp should be on for 10 – 12 hours a day to maintain your animals day and night cycle.

Catetan: Ngandung merkuri. Parios sareng perusahaan limbah lokal anjeun pikeun petunjuk pembuangan.

Simkuring gaduh rébuan produk sadia nu teu acan didaptarkeun dina situs ieu. Lamun anjeun teu manggihan naon nu ditéang, nelepon kami di +1 (360) 876-6263 sarta ngantep kami néangan éta pikeun anjeun.


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EAN: 097612340242 SKU: ZMED34024 kategori: , , brand: