
Mushuklar uchun Sentry tinchlantiruvchi yoqasi (1 ta)

$15.99 ortiqcha soliq - yoki obuna bo'ling va gacha saqlang 10%

Siz tizimga kirmagansiz!

Iltimos ro'yxatdan 100 olish Tez-tez uchuvchilarni mukofotlash dasturi ballar (chegirmalarda $5) - bu mumkin bo'lgan KO'P yo'llarning birinchisi katta saqlash saytida chorva mollaringizning barcha ehtiyojlari haqida!

Agar siz allaqachon ro'yxatdan o'tgan bo'lsangiz, iltimos Kirish Tez-tez uchuvchi mukofotlaridan foydalanish uchun

REKLAMA BEPUL TAJRIBASI!  Faqat tizimga kirgan mijozlar uchun.

Sentrys Good Behavior Calming Collars are the perfect solution for those pet owners who have cats that need help with separation anxiety, excessive meowing, destructive behavior or inappropriate marking.

  • Helps with separation anxiety, excessive meowing and more
  • Releases pheromones which last up to 30 days
  • Lavender chamomile fragrance to help sooth

These collars mimic the pheromone that the mother produces to help calm and reassure their kittens while the lavender and chamomile scent help to sooth their minds. Each collar will last up to 30 days and is safe for cats and kittens with necks up to 15″.

Bizda hali bu saytda ro'yxatga olinmagan minglab mahsulotlar mavjud. Agar siz qidirayotgan narsangizni topa olmasangiz, bizga +1 (360) 876-6263 raqamiga qo'ng'iroq qiling va biz sizni qidirib topamiz.


Taqqoslang va saqlang!

(havolalar yangi tab yoki oynada ochiladi)

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Hoziroq ushbu mahsulotni xarid qiling va pul ishlang 16 Ballar!

EAN: 073091053378 Navi: SNTR05337 Bo`lim: , Tovar: