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Aqueon 海藻清洁磁铁(小 - [最多 20 加仑或 1/4 英寸厚度])

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Aqueon Algae Cleaning Magnets remove unsightly scum and buildup from glass or acrylic aquarium walls with ease. The magnetic handle guides the abrasive pad from outside the tank, letting you keep your aquarium pristine without reaching into the water.

  • Cleans glass and acrylic aquarium surfaces
  • Easy replacement of worn down pads
  • Weighted scrubber will not float away if separated from magnet
  • Scrubber falls straight down and rests above gravel for easy retrieval

Unlike other magnetic cleaners, the scrubbing pad is replaceable after becoming worn out. In addition, it will not float away if it becomes separated from the magnet; its weighted base sinks straight to the bottom, resting on the substrate for easy retrieval.

Small: Up to 20 gallons or 1/4″ thickness
Medium: Up to 125 gallons or 3/8″ thickness
Large: Up to 300 gallons or 3/4″ thickness

Tip: Remove magnet after each use and clean the abrasive pad to prevent algae buildup.

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