
ProHydrate 不锈钢饮水器 1.5 加仑

$41.99 - 或订阅并节省高达 10%


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The heavy duty ProHydrate Stainless Steel Water Bowl is the perfect bowl for dogs, horses and other farm animals. The bowl attaches to standard garden hoses or 3/4 inch pipe. The bowl is made of all-weather 304 stainless steel. When your pet drinks and the water level drops, the valve opens and replenishes the water supply. As the bowl refills, the float rises and closes the valve. This simple but effective system will not overflow, and no training is required for your pet to use it.


  • 1.5加仑容量
  • Connects to garden hose or 3/4 inch pipe
  • Rust proof and sun resistant
  • Maintains consistent water level
  • Will not overflow

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批量折扣 6 - 10 5%
批量折扣 11 - 15 10%
批量折扣 16 - 20 15%
批量折扣 21 + 20%
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