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Dog Mate 多重隔熱狗門 – 白色(大號 [肩高可達 25 英吋的狗])

$83.29 加稅 - 或訂閱並保存至 企業排放佔全球 10%


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This Product/Package Measures: 14.60 in. L x2.00 in W x18.90 in D.Dog Mate Dog Doors are suitable for a wide range of dog breeds. The medium and large doors feature robust 2-way locking panels for security. All flaps are fully brush sealed with magnetic closure for total weatherproofing and minimum energy loss from the house. Super strong, lightweight flaps are suitable for dogs small and large. Wall installation is possible using standard sheeting to line the wall. Available in medium & large sizes. Manufacturer offers a 3 year guarantee.The robust construction of this door makes it suitable for Labradors, German Shepherds and other large dogs to 25in shoulder height.

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批量折扣 6 - 10 5%
批量折扣 11 - 15 企業排放佔全球 10%
批量折扣 16 - 20 企業排放佔全球 15%
批量折扣 21 + 企業排放佔全球 20%
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