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Five Famous Parrot Owners of Our Time: A Contemporary Connection with Extraordinary Figures


Parrots, renowned for their vibrant plumage, intelligence, and ability to mimic human speech, have captured the hearts of people throughout history. In our modern era, several notable individuals have formed unique bonds with these extraordinary birds, finding joy, inspiration, and companionship. In this article, we delve into the lives of five famous parrot owners, exploring their personal connections with these remarkable feathered companions.

Dame Jane Goodall

Dame Jane Goodall: Renowned primatologist and conservationist Dame Jane Goodall, famous for her work with chimpanzees, shares a special connection with parrots. Goodall’s love for animals extends to her parrot companions, especially “Albert,” an African grey parrot known for his exceptional mimicry skills. Albert often amazes visitors by imitating various sounds and voices, reflecting the intelligence and adaptability of these remarkable birds.

Sir David Attenborough

Sir David Attenborough: The legendary broadcaster and naturalist Sir David Attenborough has encountered numerous parrot species during his extensive wildlife explorations and documentaries. Among his notable encounters is the vibrant “eclectus parrot,” a species known for its striking sexual dimorphism. Attenborough has marveled at the eclectus parrot’s stunning plumage, showcasing the diversity and beauty of avian life.

Marina Abromović

Marina Abramović: World-renowned performance artist Marina Abramović has formed a profound bond with her parrot companion, “Apollo.” Apollo, an intelligent and sociable blue-and-gold macaw, often accompanies Abramović during her artistic endeavors. The artist values Apollo’s ability to observe and reflect emotions, as well as his soothing presence, which brings a sense of calmness and connection to her creative process.

Cesar Millan

Cesar Millan: Internationally acclaimed dog behaviorist Cesar Millan, also known as the “Dog Whisperer,” has expanded his expertise to include parrots, offering guidance to owners and their feathered friends. One notable parrot under Millan’s care is “Rico,” an African grey parrot. Rico has gained recognition for his remarkable cognitive abilities, demonstrating an extensive vocabulary and an understanding of human language far beyond typical parrot capabilities.

Sir Brian May

Sir Brian May: Sir Brian May, the iconic guitarist of the legendary band Queen, is not only a rock music icon but also an avid animal lover and dedicated parrot owner. One of his cherished parrots is “Sid,” a beautiful blue-and-gold macaw known for his playful nature and charming personality. Sid often accompanies May during his music sessions, adding a touch of color and joy to the guitarist’s creative environment.


In our contemporary era, the allure of parrots continues to captivate the hearts and minds of famous individuals. Jane Goodall’s remarkable mimicry skills displayed by Albert, Sir David Attenborough’s encounters with the vibrant eclectus parrot, Marina Abramović’s connection with Apollo during her artistic pursuits, Cesar Millan’s guidance with intelligent parrot Rico, and Brian May’s harmonious bond with Sid all exemplify the enduring fascination and personal connections shared between notable figures and these extraordinary avian creatures.

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