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Hikari Ich-X Disease Treatment (4 oz – [Treats 240 Gallons])

$4.99 plus tax

Hikari Ich X is a proven formulation to help eliminate the disease conditions caused by freshwater or marine ich without negatively impacting the biological activity in an aquarium. Hikari Ich-X utilizes the most widely respected formulation for the treatment of ich, with a less toxic form of malachite green. Do not use Ich-X with any other medications. Do not use with sulfinate-, or sulfoxylate-base water conditioners. Ich-X may permanently stain silicone tanks and sealants, rocks, concrete, plastic objects, clothing, laminate counter tops, floors, furniture and carpeting. Ich-X may be harmful to some invertebrates (e.g. filter feeders); Use caution and observe carefully when treating aquariums with invertebrates. Immediate 50% or larger, water changes should be performed if stress is observed amoung treated animals.

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EAN: 042055732147 SKU: HKRI73214 Category: Brand: